About US

Berenice (aka Bubz) and Dain (aka Barretti) are traveling latino artists based in Chicago.  

When she’s not applauding sunsets, you can find Bubz desperately searching the world for cheese in all the wrong places.  Oddly she’s the only woman on earth who hates chocolate.  Bubz requires no sleep and the concept of jet lag is lost on her. She’d also rather be wearing something black.

Barretti enjoys practicing the art of photography with a particular interest in the iconic or surreal.  Barretti is an aspiring but failing French learner who is desperately addicted to sugar.   When he’s not talking about how tired he is, you can find him thinking about how he shouldn’t have had all that ice cream.  Barretti’s proudest achievement is having eaten pizza in over 35 countries on six different continents. Way to go big boy!

Everyone’s reason to spend the time and energy to travel is different.  For us it is a desire to experience more, to learn more; to be inspired to create and explore.  A desire to share in the lives, cultures and customs of others.  If I’m honest, its a desire to temporarily escape the “normalcy” of living our big city American lives and seeing, feeling and tasting the world.  In this way, we also get to more fully appreciate the beauty of the people and places in everyday life by experiencing home with a lens colored by experiences.  I personally don’t find discomfort in many of the experiences I’ve had with travelling and experiencing new things, except those 12 hour flights!  I can now fully appreciate the beauty of a sunset at home as easily as a sunrise over Istanbul.  I can clearly see how wonderful the life of a skyscraper can be, which is only enhanced after seeing the pyramids of Giza.  Eating a cheeseburger at a favorite restaurant at home is only made more delicious after eating sushi in Tokyo.  I’m a firm believer that we are all deeply interconnected but our differences add a flavor to life.  What could be more flavorful than to travel?
